Crown of Roses to Justice in Halifax!

A Narrow Escape from Certain Death, due to an Invocation to Saint Rita.
For many believing is so difficult and often they say: “I can’t believe God’s Word “,  it’s just impossible. Its like a statement who judging but can’t handle the truth! But why is it so difficult to believe? And the simple question is whether we are willing to believe it before their faith would obedience in action. When you have decided to only do God’s will and are being led by the Spirit, a conflict between the flesh and the Spirit arises. Also the temptations and lusts could arise from there, and the sadness too. Speaking about the truth: Why it’s So Difficult To Tell It?  Lying comes from fear. It’s born from our traumas, disappointments and betrayals and is always the result of something that’s happened to us. You may be late meeting someone and blame it on the traffic or cover up being fired to avoid embarrassment. The scenarios surrounding why we lie are endless. The fact is that our lies are born from our traumas, both big and small. Its very shameful that a dentist, Dr. Richard B. Price took a part in murder of a patient. His assistant is still free of charge but it looks like that all involved must suffer deadly. What a beautiful culture of death is continuing. Where is the logic and perception? Its a brutality that’s all. So, I called this a pathetic movement. What a such cruel person with a chicken brain gained using his stupidity not even thinking about the others’ doctors reputations??? 

My short documental movie would show all this scenarios, including such abnormality towards others. If we, at the same time create some circus about many innocent people who were “magically” missing & vanished across Canada, and for sure internationally as well. Not paying attention to the mystery surroundings activities and innocent’s struggle.  How we all can trust the system anymore? We are not feeling safe anymore. Dishonesty begins with the self. It starts when we can’t reconcile a difficult experience. The first lie is the one we tell ourselves. It’s usually, “It didn’t happen” or “It didn’t happen like that.” We avoid these realizations because we’re terrified of how they will make us feel. We do it because we’d rather live with the long-term consequences of lying to ourselves and others than face the temporary pain of the truth. So, we repress the truth and our feelings about it with a lie to keep the pain with life. 

This RCMP Officer experienced many disrespectful action against his will. He couldn’t save himself from a such abusing system. So, generally speaking how  to cure the system from a culture of deaths considering the rules of behavior ?  Healing from lying to others requires that we stop lying to ourselves first. It means clearing up our unconscious anxieties and the survival mechanisms that we’ve put in place to protect us from their pain. 



I was engaged with the most dishonest judge, but what can you do when the evil is glued to the court’s bench, notabene without a moral duty. Fuj! 

We can only heal to the degree that we are honest, for what goes covering up will be judge soon. Why one judge stated directly to me: “I do not blame you”? 



 What a bunch of engaged profiters! What wrong is with you people?  Where is my judge Wright?  


I was so distress taking with this profiter, knowing exactly his further plans. What kind of style of the human mind was pointed so hurtfully towards a young innocent lawyer?  

The question remains, however of whether it does not leave out the dominant, and how is our ethics going to account for that?  


solution.   Sadly, how then are we to find the rules whereby to judge these facts? Hope, we need no special rules to judge whether an organ is healthy or not. The more difficult moral problems we have to solve consist precisely in determining what should be done is fully realized.  

 Life is so unpredictable, one day you might be healthy, and the next day you could be diagnosed with an illness. This moment is the worse to bear. The pain was almost impossible to accepted. Believe me! 

Today, in perspective of such unnecessary harassment what I’ve been through I need a peaceful space to bury the chaos and rest for a while.  








Practice, practice and practice. 


This is a sentimental story that is intended to evoke sadness, truth and emotion. We cannot continue to fight to improve our existence, such a state kills the beauty that a smart nation built for us. 

Wanda was there… 





Injustice should be intolerable to many.  Oftentimes people (righteous) do not deserve to be punished after being punished at the first place. So how we can form a bridge over the chasm?  Speaking hepatically, only in recent times have human started to learn how to read in a work of art the signs of concrete, unique human existence that the artist incarnates in her work. I believe is a new way of doing history using art, philosophy and religion attests to the reign of one truth which guides the entire effort as common goal. I am not a writer, but I speak for righteous dilemma. What a job! How much I would earn doing this history trying to convince some stubbornness’s mind? Many years ago, a dentist wrote in his report that Wanda is a story teller. I kept it as a souvenir. And what? He should be able performing better services that he provides at large, instead of pretending that he is the best.  Of course, he is the best when everyone is taking a long vacation. 

I love read papers research that promotes a sense and logic of to the fact that spirit is not an easily decipherable network to implementing your wishes. It make sense to me and all these possibilities of our life are implicitly included in a spirit reaction as well.

But history is real only because the acquired spiritual ensemble influences every new act of consciousness. All the processes of the spirit life bend themselves creatively to this end, and this is the motive force of history and society.  We shouldn’t depend on hurting people at all. Please stop trying to fool people anymore. I have to love my enemies and bless those who spitefully use me badly and mistreat me while doing anything wrong. It’s more than life at stake.   

But above all, it must be realizes as I have tried to bring out a relief that the term phenomenon means something special for the phenomenologists, who believe deeply what I am doing.  It’s not like taken for granted.  But live must go on.   

Psalm 22:11 is a verse from the Bible that says: “Be not far from me, for trouble is near; for there is none to help“. David asks the Lord to be close to him because he is surrounded by enemies and death seems imminent. 




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